Musical events and festivals are community event which are oriented towards live performance of singing that also involve various musical instruments based on the theme of the event. Music theme is influenced through nationality or local and historical music and musicians in the country. In the present time, live music events and concerts are enjoying more and more popularity. The first ever rock 'n' roll concert was held in Cleveland on March 21, 1952 and after that, this got highly popular and expanded to all the areas in the world (Baade, 2013). In this project report to define an experience of a musical event, Origin Fields Festival is considered. It is Australia's largest New Year's Eve festival and has held on 31st December 2019. The event take place at Wellington Square, Perth, Australia.
The Event
Origin Fields Festival is one of the largest festivals organized to enjoy and make a toast to another year. The event provides one of the best musical experience as it features Rufus Du Sol, Tyler, the Creator, Skepta and Ella Mai across NYE and NYD. This is Australia's largest new year festival and held every year on the last day of the year. Recently, it was held on 31st December 2019 and Wellington Square, Perth, Australia, was selected as destination for the event because this place is termed the heart of the city and famous. Events when organised at such places become quite reachable for all the interested individuals. Together with this, such type of events lead to generating more and more attraction, which make the event popular.
At the event, music that is performed by various musicians involves a combination of folk, rock, and pop sensibilities. This event become attractive because of its music and together with this, non-musical features are quite attractive, such as ambiance created, services, food and drinks. The music scene is any kind of music community—a localized, independent music-oriented community of bands and their audiences (Clarke, DeNora, and Vuoskoski, 2015). The event was available with all the musical elements, such as good melody, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, timber, etc. Together with this presence of various non-musical elements such as style and fashion, which were available in the event, it was quite fresh and attractive for all the audiences.
In the present, musical culture is shifting towards concretes, live events, and festivals. When historical context is seen, then at that time consideration to music was provided less and means to access more and more amount of different musics were less. The event was held in the presence of a large live audience. As it was a New Year's feast, it was made available live for the mediated audiences. When Origin Fields Festival is considered, the amount of technologies that are used to shape the event to become most successful is one of the latest trends. Live streaming, Chat bots, free power bank swaps, festival data security and touchable technology. All these technological elements make the sound in the event effective and also consumers in the event become more comfortable and enjoy all the festival services (Cornwall, 2016).
My Experience
I was a first-timer to such huge live events or festivals; before such events, I only attended some musical nights, but that was not organised on such a large stage. I was finding the music forms that were performed quite partying and enjoyable. As the whole festival was organised to enjoy the new year's eve, all the forms, like pop and others, were quite loud but mesmerising at the same time. I went their with some of my friends, and I got quite influenced by a group of people who were well aware of all the music playing there as well as singing all together with the artists. Among all the musicians available in the festival, my favorite style of music is Tyler, and the song I like the most is “See You Again.”.
The song sounds good to me because it reflects the feelings of an individual to see his or her loved one. As the full song specifies, how keen can a person become to a person who is very dear and near to my heart? When I was listening to the song, I was also missing a person whom I have not met since 4 months. meaning of the song was all belongs to a hope and passion to see again someone who is loved by an individual. The song makes me feel amazing and makes me memorize all my feelings that I have for the person I was missing quite more. Together with this, my feelings to show my emotional side got higher, and I became more capable of showing my feelings.
The moment when I heard the song, it made me memorise all the feelings that I had in my heart. At that night, their were thousands of individuals who were travelling in the country to attend this event. The whole event was organised at grand scale, and all the activities that were performed in the event were quite a memorable report for all of us who were present their. The whole stage was designed and decorated to make the performance attractive (Djonov and Zhao, 2013). All the musicians choose different styles to make entries, and that Arial entry of Tyler was memorable for me. The whole concert and all the songs generate a feeling that has not been generated before. We all friends were present, and our enjoyment and making a toast to the coming year can never be forgotten. While all the performances were going on, the whole population present raised their hands and started singing with them, and this made my experience of the concert more memorable and special.
This event was my first experience to have an encounter with any live musical event, and after that event, certain amount of changes that I experienced towards this over the years. One of the greatest changes that I have noticed is that I became a music lover and started enjoying various concerts in different forms that are organised around Australia. Together with this, I also started listening to songs that are more meaningful and at the same time generate a feeling of joy in me. Musical events are considered to be social events as they lead to foster a relationship among individuals through effective communication (Rohrmeier & Koelsch, 2012). Through music events, people meet. Coordinate, talk, share, and generate a bond, which leads to the establishment of a social relationship.
Academic Perspective
Popular music involves music scenes, local consumers, and venues such as bars and clubs that are established in a specific city. It is available with different form of music events that are organised at different destinations in Australia. The music industry is growing and developing at a faster rate, and it leads to some effects on the overall economy of Australia. Events that are organised in Australia boost the overall economy by making the flow of money in the country more frequent. Music events lead to the generation of flow for some of the other activities, like travelling, demand for food and beverages, decorations, and some services. All these type of businesses generate profits and help the economy for development in positive manner. The music industry is growing, but together with this, it is helping to generate cultural knowledge among individuals that are residing in a particular country (Zarantonello and Schmitt, 2013). Music is a reflection of the culture that existed in history, and music helps that culture to be in existence for more and more years.
The musical industry plays an important role in controlling and responding to current tastes and preferences, which are supported by all the consumers. Together with these huge musical events that take place in Australia, it helps in generating knowledge of different music forms that are available all around the world. In the present time, music that provides some meaningful content is preferred by individuals and together with this. It helps to generate authenticity of various culture and their historical aspects. Musical events help to generate value for local, trans-, and virtual scenes among the general public. These music events are growing at a higher rate, especially in the urban areas, and the city population is preferring to visit such events.
The above project report helps to generate the importance of music and various musical events that are organised and operated all over the nation. Music has a great influence over the economy as it is one of the developing industries, and it leads to generating more and more amount of economic transactions. Music represents culture and is helps in expressing different feelings to different individuals. The music industry moves towards satisfying demands made by various individuals by providing preference to trends in the market.